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The following English paragraphs are the original introduction published in The
Design, Volume VII. It was subsequently translated into Chinese.
My homeland, the City of Zibo in China, became a nationwide hot spot in the spring of
2023 due to its distinctive barbecue cuisine and honest, simple folk customs. To
help promote tourism, I designed this map to introduce the history and culture of
this beautiful city, showcasing its natural features, tourist attractions, public
transportation, and some fun facts. The initial version was created in Chinese; in
subsequent revisions, some information was translated into English to serve
This map is a reference map enriching with cultural and tourism information. The
topographic base map combines hillshades and stratified colors, presenting the
natural landscape’s beauty. It clearly illustrates the topographic characteristics,
with higher elevation in the south and lower in the north, setting an elegant visual
tone for terrain representation, with Zibo's major peaks and some suburban hills
In terms of symbol design, important tourism and transportation information is
prioritized. This includes transportation hubs (railway stations, transit centers,
airport shuttle hubs, highway toll gates, and service areas), transportation lines
(high-speed railway and highway networks), and city bus "Barbecue Lines" and
"Tourism Lines" specially designed in metro transit style. The map categorizes
tourist attractions into different levels and types, such as museums, historic
sites, and other popular
This map includes two insets: The top right corner features a locator map of
Shandong Province, showing the administrative boundaries of prefecture-level cities
and essential physical geography. The bottom left corner shows a map of downtown
Zibo, marking the main roads, business districts, featured barbecue restaurants, and
a fun fact in local
This map subtly integrates historical and cultural elements into its graphic design,
such as barbecue kebabs combined with the map scales, ancient knife-shape money and
a symbolic sculpture in railway station plaza as the north arrows, revealing Zibo’s
rich history as the capital city of Qi State (1046 - 221 B.C.), one of the most
populated Chinese cities at that time. The design of the landmark Haidai Tower,
featuring “Zhongshuge”, known as the most beautiful bookstore in China, is specially
As a native of Zibo, this map holds great significance to me. I literally cannot
make any other map with the same level of confidence, as it is tied to countless
personal memories. During the data collection process, I was so amazed by the rapid
and substantial development of my hometown in terms of infrastructure and
attractions. With deep love and passion, I respectfully present my map as a gift to
this lovely land,
Below is the inset map of Zibo Central Urban Area (Zhangdian District), with minor
revisions to generally work as an independent map as well.
Below is the inset map of Shandong Province, with minor
revisions to generally work as an independent map as
I presented this map during the 2023 annual conference of North American Cartographic
Information Society (NACIS), and won the Best
Cartographic Design Award (tie) in Student Map and Poster
This map is also selected into the Atlas
of Design, Volume VII, published by the North American Cartographic
Society (NACIS).
And as the Honorable Mention artwork in UW-Madison 15th Annual Digital Salon, the large printed version of this map is displayed at the College Library of UW-Madison. 本地图于2024年4月荣获威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校第15届数字沙龙最佳作品荣誉提名奖(即并列第二名),并在学校的“大学图书馆”进行为期一年的展出(2024年4月-2025年4月)。
Zibo's barbecue became a phenomenal hot spot in China during the spring of 2023. To
better advertize
Zibo for the May Day (Labor Day Holiday) in 2024, my Zibo Map of Culture and Tourism
featured on two local public media platforms: Zibo Luzhong Morning Post (Dazhong News Group) 大众报业-鲁中晨报,
and Zibo
Newspaper 淄博日报社, reprint by Tencent
News 腾讯新闻. The WeChat Channel video clip by Zibo Daily Newspaper got
over 1000 "Like", 400 "Repost", and 600 "Favorite".
I made some short video clips introducing this Zibo map, and
posted on several social media
platforms (mostly on WeChat Video Channel), and got about 12K views so far. To
better promote the tourism, the featuring video is displayed on the giant screen at
Times Square at
During Esri User Conference in July 2024, this map was selected by Esri's President
Jack Dangermond to be featured during the Plenary Session.
本图于2024年7月入选易智瑞用户大会的全员大会主题演讲中的优秀地图展示(由易智瑞公司创始人兼总裁 Jack Dangermond
This map also won the Cartography Special Interest Group Excellent Award during
Esri User Conference 2024.
This map is also selected to be published on the next volume (Vol.40) of Esri Map
Book, in 2025.
At the end of 2024, the Zhoucun Ancient Commercial Street was officially
designated as a national 5A-level tourist attraction, becoming Zibo's first 5A-level
scenic spot. This map has been updated accordingly, with the addition of an icon of