

ALL (categories) | Award-Winning
• By Region: Global | China | U.S. | GA | WI | Madison
• By Topic: Disaster/Hurricane | Covid | University | History
• By Purpose: Research | Course | News | Education | Personal
• By Design: Terrain | Trajectory | Stylized | Special Projection
• By Collaboration: UW Cartography Lab | Teamwork
• By Language: English | Chinese | Bilingual
• By Format: Web | Tangible | Series

—— Reference Map ——

Zibo Map of Culture
and Tourism

Best Cartographic Design in
2023 NACIS Map Competition;
Atlas of Design Vol.7; Cartography
SIG Excellence Award in Esri UC

Bilingual Map of
Athens (GA)
and Vicinity

Practically serving Chinese
student communities at
the University of Georgia

Trilingual Map of
Taiwan, “Scenic
Formosa Island”

Most Innovative Map and
Cartography Excellent Award
in 2023 Esri User Conference

—— Thematic Map ——

United States of
Natural Disasters

Best Cartography Award,
Most Innovative Map in Esri UC;
Runner-Up in WLIA 2024;
Featured on "maps.com"

Map Products
during Internship
at Institute for
Local Self-Reliance

67 Static Maps of various
types in multiple projects

Hurricanes in
Contiguous U.S.

Best Print Map in 2022
CaGIS Map Competition

—— Research Map ——

Harvey 2017

Geovisualization of twitter-
based trajectories;
on Esri Map Book Vol.39

Twitter's Gender

UCGIS Poster Presentation
for evaluating the gender
representativeness of twitter

Rescaled Symbol
Design for

Innovative twitter-based
visualization of 2017
Hurricane Harvey

—— Web Application ——


Participated Mapbox-based
web map development
during internship at UNDP

Madison Area
and Wisconsin
Covid Pandemic

Honorable Mention, Digital Map
Award in 48th CaGIS Map Competition

U.S. Historical
Hurricanes Geovisualization

Group project of interactive
map application based on
Leaflet and D3 package

—— Web Map ——

Ancient Chinese
Style Web Map

Basemap design with
ancient Chinese fonts, icons,
and color scheme
based on Mapbox Studio

"Not Gone
with the Wind"
Esri Storymap

A story of the unexpected
Hurricane Harvey using
Esri StoryMaps narrative

Harry Potter
Web Map

Mapbox-based customized
web map with H.P. related
sites in the U.K.

—— CartLab Design Challenge (1-Day) ——

Mapping U.S.

Tangible and digital flow maps
of incident sites and news;
2024 Design Challenge

Evolution of
the Great Plains

Animations of subtle
topography on surface of
loess tableland in Nebraska;
2023 Design Challenge

Thematic Map
Type ABCs
Through Games

Cartography Curriculum
Design for K5 Education;
2022 Design Challenge

—— Global News Map ——

Major Global
Military Conflict
Countries in 2023

Bilingual news map
in minimalism design for
local media MADNEWS

News Map for
RCEP Member

Bilingual quick news map
(country borders according to
People's Republic of China)

Overview Map
of Sanxingdui
Ancient City

News map of archeological
sites, such as cultural relics
and city wall ruins

—— Local News Map ——

News Map for
World Championship
Cheese Contest

Bilingual locator map of
Monona Terrace for
local media MADNEWS

Static Map Series
for Covid-19
Pandemics in
Madison Area

Over 800 daily infographics
with maps for MADNEWS

News Map of
Assaulting Location
on State Street
of Madison, WI

Chinese news map for
local media MADNEWS

—— Politics News Map ——

News Map on
U.S. Congress

Multivarious news map
illustrating congressmen and
governors in U.S. Congress

News Map of
Protest War in Gaza
at Wisconsin

Illustrating protest sites
and parade routes in
Madison and Milwaukee

Mapping the
Unit Change in
Dane County, WI

Chinese news map for
local media MADNEWS

—— Disaster News Map ——

Mapping Wildfire in Southern U.S. from
Texas to Oklahoma
in Spring 2024

Chinese news map for
local media MADNEWS

News Map of
2023 Turkey

Minimalism design showing
the effecting countries,
cities, and more info

News Map of
2021 Suez Canal

With surrounding
major Egyptian cities
and a locator map

—— Covid Map ——

Mapping Twitter
Towards Covid

Value-by-alpha map of
sentiments with twitter
representativeness level

Georgia Fights
Against Covid

Bivariate choropleth map
visualizing the covid case
per capita v.s. vaccination
rate in recent week

Mapping Twitter
User Trajectories
During Covid-19

Exploration with 5 million
trajectories regarding covid-19
using Kepler.gl tool

—— Historical Map ——

"Early Chinese
Badgers in Madison"
Campus Tour Map

Guidebook for family members of
past Chinese alumni hosted by
Center for East Asian Studies

"Early Chinese
Badgers (1907-1920)"
Static and Interactive
Map Series

Visualizing hometown and Madison
address of UW Chinese alumni

Map of Lifetime
Footprint in
Memory of My

Best Black & White Map in WLIA
2024; Grayscale memorial map

—— Personal Map ——

Hilarious "Home
Metro Map"

Innovative graphic design of
transit map in memory of 2020
home quarantine days
within apartment unit

"When Badger
Meets Bulldog"

Personal map product
illustrating my past and future
road trip routes between
UW-Madison and UGA

Heart Shape
Dual Maps

Romantic graphic design
of dual cities (both U.S.
and hometown in China)
with same map scale

—— Fun Map ——

LEGO Map of

Winner of Student
Artistic Section in
GISCO Mapping Contest;
one brick = 10 sq mi

Great North
American Eclipse
on 4.8.2024

1st Place of Student Maps
(University and Postgraduates)
in Esri UC 2024 Map Gallery

Instagram Account
Posting Daily AI-Generated Maps

Maps include geographic faults;
enjoy but do not use for reference

—— Tangible Map ——

LEGO Map of

Featured in Esri UC Plenary Session;
Most Unique Map, Best Student Map,
President’s Choice, People’s Choice
(Adult) in WLIA 2024 Map Contest

"Madison and
Vicinity" Quilt

Contributing categorical
dot density map using
pricing stickers for a tangible
Map Quilt Challenge project

"The United States of Wisconsin"

Re-structure the de-structured U.S. states into Wisconsin;
1-hour map collage activity
during NACIS 2023

—— Craft Map Map ——

Halloween World
Map on Pumpkin

Carving Robinson Projection
map onto ellipsoid (pumpkin),
compromising between
3D globe and flat surface

Watercolor Maps
with Calligraphy

Beginner's exercise
painting of Canada,
Hawaii, Madison, and more

Map-making in

Engraving maps on sealstone
material as image stamps:
China, Wisconsin, and Zibo

As an "Atlas", I keep enriching myself.